
On Saturday 5th May, Debs and I met up with Joanne from the Isle of Wight and went for a meal in the restaurant at the Philbeach in Earls Court where we were joined by Nicola and Geoff. They drove down from Milton Keynes and were VERY late because they had a puncture on the motorway. Poor Nicola, dressed to the nines, had to sit in the car whilst Geoff changed the wheel, praying that no-one else stopped to give them a hand. Still all went well and they arrived safe and sound in time for a very pleasant meal. Here are some of the photos from the Philbeach…… (you can enlarge the photos at any time just by clicking them)

These are a few photos of Debs and I as we sat at the table…….

Geoff and Nicola

Joanne and Nicola

….and here are some photos of Geoff and Nicola and Joanne…

Joanne and Geoff

Here is Debbie…..

…here is Joanne...

… and here is Debbie with Gino...

isn't he GORGEOUS ??

(Debbie keeps saying she wants to take him home to put him on the mantelpiece so she can pick him up and play with him whenever she wants to <giggle>)

Here is a photo of all of us, Nicola, Joanne, Debs and I sitting at the table….

 ….and here are photos of Nicola and I taken as we were leaving to go to Storme's…..

After that we were off to Storme's and WayOut where we danced the night away…..

One more thing….. at Storme's there was a Miss Lovely Legs competition and I didn't win <sigh>. I think the judge has eyesight problems. What do you think? Why not write and tell me <giggle>

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